Please take a few minutes to watch this informative video regarding many misconceptions among Slender Man fans. It will help you better understand the mythos and fandom, and help prevent you making some common (and embarrassing) mistakes. -PyroGothNerd |
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If you have information about or are currently in the process of distributing a freeware game regarding Slender Man or The Rake that is not of particular fame and importance to the main mythos, but IS Slender Man or Rake related, please click here
If you wish to read about or create articles regarding entities either connected to Slender Man or The Rake or otherwise related to Slender Man or The Rake in an unspecific way, but are unrelated to the mythos itself, please click here
For those wishing for a Slenderman RP experience, please click here
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Sleepy Gaege
Sleepy Gaege - previously known as Gaege Griffins - is the main protagonist from the name of origins.
He has always been seen as the "Sweet Brother figure" but turned into a monster. He is mainly active at night, he hardly sleeps but he does rarely finally sleeps which can last days to weeks.
- 1 Brief O…
Is The Slenderman Show real?
I'm seeing at least three new pages dedicated to a supposed 2024 Cartoon Network show called "The Slenderman Show", but when I look for it online I find no evidence of the show existence. I think somebody is creating fake pages on a fake show!
@Heyitscowardlylion seems to be the user that created an…